Millions of vegetables thrown away as labour shortages hit farmers | The Independent
Supply chain issues - Brexit, COVID a perfect storm?
Scottish vegetable growers are having to throw away millions of cauliflower and broccoli heads due a shortage of farm workers and lorry drivers.
Producers predict that problems with lack of labour will only get worse in the run up to Christmas.
Purpose: What you need to know about moving from theory to action | McKinsey & Company
The tumult of the past year prompted many to reflect on their purpose and values—and research shows over two-thirds of employees say their sense of purpose is defined by work. That has powerful implications for your company's talent-management strategy and its bottom line. If you're still wondering where to start, explore our special collection on corporate purpose and dive deeper on vital issues, including:
How employees understand and live their purpose What companies can do to meet their needs and deliver on their purpose The case for stakeholder capitalism, and how to move from principle to practice
CSI Friday - Can you ever be lean as an organisation? Are you ever done?
Join Ashley Bell from Nexus Improvement and Andy Sandford from We are Lean and Agile for the first live CSI (Continuous Service Improvement) Friday. We will talk about what it is like to walk into a manufacturing plant to deliver some lean initiatives as a consultant. You find it clean and tidy, with a great culture and no low hanging fruit. What do you do? Is the company lean? What did going to the Gemba tell us and also looking at the value. Come along and get in touch if you have something to add to the conversation.
Lean Enterprise Institute - Free Webinar Building a Learning Organisation
Robert Wojdelko, Executive Lean Leader at General Electric, will explain how he uses kata to connect the daily problem solving on the shop floor to the company’s high-level objectives. You'll take away vital insights, ideas, and inspiration. You'll learn:
The four-step improvement kata routine that enables continuous improvement through scientific thinking
The coaching kata that enables leaders to develop problem solvers through guidance versus providing solutions
How to build a learning organization where everyone is learning how to improve processes every day
How to connect corporate objectives from the c-suite down to process improvement at the shop floor
Beginners Guide to Kaizen - Part 3 - Kaizen Events -
Beginners Guide to Kaizen – Part 3 – Kaizen Events
Kaizen Events The most common time for a kaizen event is during the initial stages of a project or new initiative, but they can be helpful at any stage in your business’s life cycle. There are two main types of Kaizen – Daily Kaizen and Kaizen Events. Kaizen is a Lean tool and is commonly used in Lean manufacturing.
Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast | TED Talk
Making toast doesn’t sound very complicated -- until someone asks you to draw the process, step by step. Tom Wujec loves asking people and teams to draw how they make toast, because the process reveals unexpected truths about how we can solve our biggest, most complicated problems at work. Learn how to run this exercise yourself, and hear Wujec’s surprising insights from watching thousands of people draw toast.
Design Thinking
Five Habits of Design Thinking. When Common Sense is Not Enough | by Christina Wodtke | Medium
There are three thinking styles that have transformed how we develop new products today: Agile, Lean (Startup) and Design Thinking. Design Thinking is the least defined and most problematic to explain. Agile gets engineering to work iteratively in cadences rather than invest in a lot of upfront planning, only to execute a plan that may be wrong. Lean (Startup) is about running constant business experiments whose outcomes reduce risk.
Loot is a viral social network that looks like nothing you've ever seen - by Casey Newton - Platformer
Loot is a viral social network that looks like nothing you've ever seen Loot (and Vine) creator Dom Hofmann on creating an open-source, decentralized game / financial asset / art project / metaverse (?)
Pocket - Strategic Domain-Driven Design Kata: Delivericious
If you would like to learn or practice how to break up a large business into domains and use them as the foundation for your software architecture and team organization, I have created a strategic domain-driven design kata that you may find useful. It’s based on the industry of online takeaway ordering and delivery using a fictitious business called Delivericious.
You can find the Miro board here:
Tech debt hangover, a tsunami of point solutions and interoperability - Difrent
Over the years there have been a few subjects I have soapboxed on and interoperability is definitely right up there in my top three.
I left the NHS three years ago now. Even then we were talking about Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standards and the challenge around Interoperability. It was one of the programmes of work that Paperless 2020 was set to address.
(162) The Power of Hoshin Kanri + A3 - YouTube
Bill MacPherson, managing director of Mercer Celgar, a division of Mercer International, describes the power of combining A3 with Hoshin Kanri to help ingrain effective leadership capabilities at all levels and attain breakthrough organizational objectives.